Highlights from the webinar: Bridging Global and EU Policy for Sustainable Soil Management
On December 9, our partner IUCN hosted a webinar titled Bridging Global and EU Policy for Sustainable Soil Management. This high-level gathering brought together policymakers, scientists, agricultural stakeholders, and environmental experts to discuss how soil protection can be integrated into both global and EU policy frameworks.
The webinar provided an excellent platform for advancing the sustainable soil management agenda. Mirco Barbero, Policy Officer on Soil Protection at European Commission DG-ENV; Caroline Heinzel, Associate Policy Officer for Soil at EEB; and Ana Rocha, Director of EU’s Agri & Forestry-Related Policies, ELO; together they delivered an interesting round table discussion covering these key topics:
- The alignment of EU and global policies to achieve soil sustainability targets: The critical need for harmonized strategies that integrate soil protection into global frameworks such as the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the European Union’s Soil Strategy for 2030 was emphasized. Discussions highlighted examples of successful policy alignment, including efforts to incorporate soil health into climate mitigation targets and the growing recognition of soil as a key natural asset in achieving the SDGs.
- Innovative tools and strategies for soil monitoring and restoration:The panel showcased a range of cutting-edge tools, including remote sensing technologies, data-driven soil health indicators, and community-based soil monitoring programs. These tools were presented as instrumental for tracking soil degradation trends and implementing targeted restoration efforts. Case studies from SOILGUARD demonstrated the effectiveness of these tools in improving agricultural productivity, enhancing carbon sequestration, and restoring degraded ecosystems.
- Strengthening the science-policy interface to ensure evidence-based decisions: A recurring theme was the need for stronger connections between scientific research and policymaking. Panelists advocated for establishing dedicated platforms that facilitate knowledge exchange between researchers and decision-makers. They highlighted the role of projects like SOILGUARD in bridging this gap by translating complex scientific findings into actionable recommendations.
This webinar underscored the vital role that collaborative projects like SOILGUARD play in addressing complex environmental challenges. The insights and strategies shared during the webinar highlight the ongoing need for coordinated efforts to ensure resilient ecosystems and a sustainable future.