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SOILGUARD’s Final Year: A Workshop in Barcelona

SOILGUARD’s Final Year: A Productive Workshop in Barcelona

Last week, Leitat hosted a pivotal meeting in Barcelona to tackle key objectives for the final year of the SOILGUARD project. The gathering took place on Thursday 12th of September  and Friday 13th of September, bringing together the consortium to align efforts and streamline the project’s final stretch. The meeting saw both in-person and online participation from key representatives of Universidad de Alicante, UKCEH, Universitat de Barcelona, Leitat, AIT, WUR, Wings, UVA,ETH, IUCN and IOEW. Each organization played an essential role in discussing research outcomes and identifying the remaining steps for completion.

Key Discussions and Outcomes:

The meeting kicked off with addressing the needs of the different workpackages to synchronize their data. The goal was to refine statistical approaches and begin advancing in coding discussions. This alignment is crucial to ensuring that data from these work packages are correctly coupled and analyzed.

A significant focus was on identifying the information flow required between the different research topics. The team discussed the necessary data, formats, bottlenecks, and defined clear boundaries for each value chain.  The consortium aims to ensure a smooth and efficient exchange of information in the final stages of the project.

Another goal was for all participants to fully understand the scope and limitations of each chain. As for  the ongoing development of the SOILGUARD App, it was the main crucial topic of the workshop. The team addressed current challenges, limitations, and possibilities, ultimately mapping out clear pathways for completing this digital tool.

Looking Ahead

As we approach the project’s final months, the consortium will convene once again in December for the annual meeting. This gathering will be crucial to wrap up discussions and ensure that all deliverables are on track as SOILGUARD comes to a close.

Stay tuned for more updates as we enter the final phase of this ambitious project!

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